Calling names, sounds such an innocent expression comparing it to its Greek equivalent, vrisia!
With the first three letters, all the frustration is spitted out of your mouth! Then, comes the next two, ia, and with their open sound, relieves the anger, the negative feelings, the contempt, whatever you want to express!
To tell you the truth, I like telling bad things in English, as I don't feel the weight of their meaning as I feel it in Greek! Lets say one of my favorite...stupid cow
I know that it is not a proper thing to do, but I don't want to be always polite..it can't represent my emotional state when something bad happens.....It is also a great way to communicate your meaning! There is no way to be misunderstood!
Well, dear reader! I should find a name to call you! A nice name since you get into trouble to read my posts... Lets think! What do you think of....Xpal? X, because I don't know who you are, and pal...because we share some private thoughts!
Well, I don't f........g believe it! The bad words, just weren't published ! There is inner censorship!
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